  • Pintura abstracta original
  • Artista: Dao Hai
  • 2022
  • 92 ancho x 122 alto x 4 profundidad cm
  • Acrílico sobre lienzo de lino.
  • Pieza única
  • Firma: Firmada a mano por el artista en el reverso del lienzo.
  • Certificado de autenticidad: Incluido (emitido por el artista)
  • Listo para colgar (kits para colgar incluidos)
  • Camilla de madera: Incluida.
  • Marco: No incluido
  • Envío gratis
  • Se envía en caja de madera.


    "Falling in Love" evokes the intoxicating rush of emotions experienced when one is captivated by love's embrace. The canvas is awash in a vibrant symphony of rose red, purple, and pink, enveloping the viewer in a warm and passionate atmosphere. These hues swirl and dance across the background, symbolizing the tumultuous journey of falling headlong into love's embrace.

    Amidst this sea of passionate colors, hints of light greenish emerge from the bottom, representing the budding growth and renewal that love brings into one's life. However, the true focal point of the painting lies in the eruption of pink that bursts forth from the depths of the canvas, akin to a volcano of emotion erupting with fervor and intensity. This eruption of pink symbolizes the overwhelming rush of feelings that accompanies the experience of falling deeply and irrevocably in love.


    Full of textures