  • Artista: Dao Hai
  • 2022
  • 92 ancho x 122 alto x 4 profundidad cm
  • Pintura acrílica sobre lienzo de lino.
  • Pieza única
  • Firma: Firmada a mano por el artista en el reverso del lienzo.
  • Certificado de autenticidad: Incluido (emitido por el artista)
  • Listo para colgar (kits para colgar incluidos)
  • Camilla de madera: Incluida.
  • Marco: No incluido
  • Envío gratis
  • Se envia en  caja de madera


"Fading Away" captures the essence of transience and evanescence, portraying a scene where colors slowly dissolve into the void. The background of the canvas is dominated by subtle gradients of light grey and dark grey, creating an atmosphere of fading light and diminishing presence. Amidst this subdued backdrop, hints of green sporadically emerge, reminiscent of fleeting moments of vitality amidst the encroaching darkness.

However, the focal point of the painting lies in the bold strokes of bright yellow that cut through the somberness of the scene. Three prominent lines of yellow stretch across the bottom of the canvas, stacked in descending order, symbolizing the gradual descent into obscurity. Above them, three additional lines of yellow are painted evenly across the remaining space, their vibrancy fading as they ascend, mirroring the passage of time and the gradual fading of memory.

At the heart of the composition, a solitary red dot stands out amidst the yellow lines, serving as a poignant reminder of the vibrancy and intensity of life even as it fades into oblivion.


Full of textures